Friday 22 June 2018

Menu items permission properties in D365

In this blog we will discuss some basic permission properties of menu items (Action, Display and Output). So lets get started.

Correct Permission
Specifies whether correct permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The default value is Auto some options are as follows:

Auto: The permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

No: The permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

Create Permission
Specifies whether create permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The default value is Auto some options are as follows:

Auto: The permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

No: The permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

Delete Permission
Specifies whether delete permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The default value is Auto some options are as follows:

Auto: The permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

No: The permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

Linked Permission Type 
Specifies the type of the object pointed to by the LinkedPermissionObject property. For example, this could be a Form.

Linked Permission Object Child / Linked Permission Object 
Specifies the name of another object (for example, a form or report) whose permissions are to be applied to this menu item. Typically used with Action menu items.

Read Permission
Specifies whether read permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item.  The default value is Auto some options are as follows:

Auto: The permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

No: The permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

Update Permission
Specifies whether update permission will be available to select when privileges are assigned to the menu item. The default value is Auto some options are as follows:

Auto: The permission will be available to select as a privilege on this menu item Privileges node under the Entry Points node.

No: The permission will not be available to select as a privilege on the menu item.

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